June 4, 2010

name mutiny

SO evidently THE NAME LIVIA MEANT for the new dog WAS NOT supposed to be 'POLO', BUT 'apollo' instead.  when she pronounced it to me it really sounded like polo, so that's where the mix up happened.  when scott got home from work i had mentioned to him settling on 'polo', and the kids and scott claimed no-no-no... APOLLO was what everyone preferred (to be honest, so did i).  we tried it out to see how THE DOG would react to going from a new name to an even newer name, and he seems to do just fine.  he IS CRAZY SMART!  scott worked all afternoon AND evening on training him, and he has ALREADY LEARNED to sit and stay on demand, HIS NEW NAME, AND we got him to just sit by the dining table like zoey does while we're having dinner (no begging for food or trying to eat off the floor).  i'm absolutely impressed by how quickly he is learning NEW things and TRICKS!!!  GO APOLLO! :)

apollo and zoey playing together... they are having a blast! 

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